
A digital temperature and humidity sensor using a oled display and a web client! This was done as a project for the arkwright scolarship.

project picture

A audio amplifier, with a speaker from a furby

A 2 state led altinator with two mosfets, when a capacitor discharges it charges the other capacitor with the mosfet causing them to altinate


A dc motor driver, a potentiometer controls the motor fan speed using the 555 to increase the frequency of the pwm wave to increase fan speed

fan controler

A light level sensor, these are found in street lights all around the world!

Might even have a shot at a robotic arm, i would need 6 servo motors and i need to countine to learn CAD then design and print then code the software. i would use my rapsberry pi 3 to control it! my github is Lord-Duck if you want to keep updated!

About Me:

I am a resident of the United Kingdom and possess a profound interest in the fields of Computing, Mathematics, and Physics. I engage in regular sessions of tennis and often visit the gym.


my dog!
be silly but not too silly!

Free Palestine!

الحزب الشيوعي الفلسطيني